SDP - San Diego Padres
SDP stands for San Diego Padres
Here you will find, what does SDP stand for in Firm under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate San Diego Padres? San Diego Padres can be abbreviated as SDP What does SDP stand for? SDP stands for San Diego Padres. What does San Diego Padres mean?San Diego Padres is an expansion of SDP
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Alternative definitions of SDP
- Sand Point, Alaska USA
- So Don't Pay
- Session Description Protocol
- Social Democratic Party
- Software Development Process
- Software Development Plan
- Software Development Plan
- Software Development Plan
View 123 other definitions of SDP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SLC Sarah Lawrence College
- STS Severn Trent Services
- SCBE Shelby County Board of Education
- SUSD Sunnyside Unified School District
- SCC Spokane Community College
- SAI Securities America Inc.
- SESI Secure Energy Services Inc.
- SUT Slovak University of Technology
- SFC Seneca Foods Corporation
- SPNI Sony Pictures Networks India
- SRP Stream Realty Partners
- SMF Simply Market France
- SECAS South East Coast Ambulance Service
- SOMC Southern Ohio Medical Center
- SFB Southern Farm Bureau
- SXU Saint Xavier University
- SG The Stars Group
- SRU Salve Regina University
- SFWMD South Florida Water Management District
- SBI Smile Brands Inc.